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Smoked Scallop Recipe - Smoked Sea Scallops in a Curry Cream Sauce


Here is a recipe idea for smoked sea scallops: It's easy, simple, and delicious—perfect for a holiday meal yet simple enough to put together any night of the week. Credited To: Fishermen's Market


  • 4 - 6 Sugartown Smoked Roasted Sea Scallops per person, sliced in half
  • 2 tbsp. butter
  • 2 or 3 medium sweet onions, tops included, chopped fine
  • 1 tbsp. of finely chopped parsley
  • 2 tsp. of mild curry powder
  • 6 fl. oz. of cream (or 3 oz. cream and 3 oz. sour cream)
  • pasta noodles of your choice (fettuccine or linguine work well)


Melt the butter in a pan over medium heat, then add the Sugartown sea scallops. After a few seconds, add the onions and parsley. After another 30 seconds, add the mild curry powder and stir, letting the flavors develop. Then lower the heat and carefully add the cream with a little flour to thicken if necessary. Turn down to a low heat and prepare your choice pasta noodles separately. Pour the scallops and sauce over the noodles. You may choose to garnish the dish with diced red pepper or lemon to finishes it off.

Recipe provided by: www.SmokedFoods.com